Givoo Fun

Predict the Champions League score and win a £10 Google Play Gift Card.
*(Only eligible to those living in the UK)
The rules are simple and are stipulated below.

Borussia Dortmund
Borussia Dortmund
Real Madrid
Real Madrid


Input the minute of the first goal. This will be used as tie-breaker.
Closest without going over wins.
If you decide to play we reserve the right to send you other offers via your email.

Basic Rules

The winner will receive a £10 Google Play card in the post. Only UK residents need apply.
This contest closes to new entries at precisely 20:00 London time.
The match has to be decided within regular time only. (Our Rules. Don't Complain)
If you enter several times with the same email address we will only consider your last entry.
The Winning score only applies at Full Time once the Final whistle is blown. Extra-time will not count.
There will only be one winner of this contest and if there is a dead-even tie where the minute of the first goal is shared the names will be pulled from a hat.

Good Luck!!!

We will reveal the winner after the Trophy is lifted by the Champions of Europe.